- Neither be enslaved to sth nor... 不制于物,不以物役。
- He was enslaved to superstition. 他成为迷信的奴隶。
- be enslaved to sth. v. 受制于
- Conversely, its sale price even the product value of Wo Erma of be enslaved to be enslaved to. 反过来,其销售价格还要受制于沃尔玛的产品价格。
- And having been freed from sin, you were enslaved to righteousness. 18你们既从罪里得了释放,就作了义的奴仆。
- They refused to be enslaved and rose in straggle. 他们不甘心受奴役而起来斗争了。
- Or if you are not the bread winner, then you are enslaved to the one who pays the bills in ones' dance of life. 如果你不是一个维生的成功者,随后在你生活之舞中,你被付帐单的人所奴役。
- Formerly, when you did not know God, you were enslaved to those that by nature are not gods. 但从前你们不认识神的时候,是给那些本来不是神的作奴仆;
- They answered Him, We are Abraham's seed and have never yet been enslaved to anyone. How is it that you say, You shall become free? 他们回答他说,我们是亚伯拉罕的后裔,从来没有被谁奴役过;你怎么说,你们必得以自由?
- First, subjecting to severe limitation of the territorial states,the Germany Landtag was enslaved to the seigniorial land ownership. 首先是由于德意志邦国体制的限制,邦国的议会受到领主土地所有制的制约;
- And the acknowledgement and the change of the reference distance are enslaved to the type of writing or the time when the events take place. “这”、“那”充当照应语指称事件时, 它们的分布受指称距离的制约,而指称距离的确认及改变与否又直接受制于语体、事件时间等因素。
- The mode of financial system has its internal logic, which is neither completely spontaneous nor completely being enslaved to the government meaning. 摘要融资制度模式选择有其内在逻辑,既不全是自发的随意的,又不全是受制于政府意图;
- While Africa and America, especially Africa and Latin America, were enslaved to the Atlantic trades, and driven onto the periphery of early modern world economy. 而非洲和美洲,特别是非洲和拉丁美洲,却受制于大西洋贸易,日益沦落为世界经济的边缘。
- The soaring housing prices, coupled with a high inflation rate, have further plagued salary-earners who are afraid that they might be enslaved to apartments all their lives. 飙升的房价加之高通货膨胀率,进一步困扰着工薪阶层,他们担心自己或许终生将被住房所束缚。
- Someone was enslaved to her. 有人做了她的奴隶。
- He was enslaved to drinking. 他沉溺于酒。
- Take sb's hand and clasp it when agreeing to sth. 紧握某人的手表示同意某事物。
- He was enslaved and ill treated. 他遭奴役和虐待。
- To a certain degree, we too were enslaved. 到某个程度,我们也被奴役。
- Stick to: not abandon or change sth.; Keep to sth. 不放弃,坚持或维持某事物。